Helping to create a sustainable community by encouraging and promoting the growing and sharing of organic, local food.
We are a friendly bunch and welcome new members.
Membership benefits include:
Knowing that you are supporting this beautiful, practical and sustainable community asset
Invitations to “Members Only” events
Opportunities to have your say on seasonal planting
Receiving e-newsletters
Sharing food, fun and friendship in your local community.
How To Join
Come along on a Wednesday Gardening Time or other event and introduce yourself.
Complete and sign the membership form (which includes bank details) and return via email to
Membership Fees
Our annual membership fees are low so that all can participate.
Student/Concession $10
Individual $15
Family/Household $20
School/Community Group $30
There is no obligation to participate in gardening, although you would always be welcome at Wednesday Gardening Time. Just becoming a member is supportive, as all money goes towards running the garden.